Capture insights throughout the discovery process with Everlaw’s collaborative narrative building and trial preparation platform.

Capture insights throughout the discovery process with Everlaw’s collaborative narrative building and trial preparation platform.
We use Storybuilder as our playground to test novel theories, follow logical inferences, and refine the theory, all in real time.
See how you can start using Storybuilder today. Explore features including timeline, drafts, and depositons.
Create a collaborative repository that organizes the most important documents as the team builds the case narrative. Develop your insights throughout the document review process, without sacrificing time or money on a separate post-review system.
Collaborate seamlessly throughout the your matters. Organize the facts, upload deposition transcripts, elevate testimony in the case timeline, and manage trial preparation together in one secure location.
Capture nuanced and consequential information with Everlaw’s Video Depositions tool, bringing to life the emotional elements of deposition testimony that can elevate your case.
Highlight the most important parts of deposition testimony and use them throughout your case timelines and witness questioning. Search across transcripts and automatically link exhibits back to their source, so you can easily manage the evidence you need most.
See more with Storybuilder’s new video depositions tool.
Craft powerful exhibits from recorded testimony. When it comes time for court, export key clips for a smooth and organized presentation.
Eliminate frustrating and tedious video-depo reviews. Add relevant labels to quickly find and revisit evidence later, when creating your case narrative.
Clips are right at your fingertips, whenever you cite to a transcript, whether in a case timeline, strategy draft, or exhibit list.
Get the most out of Storybuilder
with these additional resources.
See all Storybuilder user education materials.
Prepare for depositions and craft a narrative in this 15-minute training.
Get certified in Storybuilder and more.
Download our guide to Storybuilder for Everlaw Administrators.