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by Everlaw

A no-cost, collaborative narrative building and trial preparation platform.


Storybuilder by Everlaw

End-to-End Trial and Deposition Prep

Craft case narratives throughout the ediscovery workflow. Manage the end-to-end process of investigations and litigation with an integrated suite of post-review tools.

Consolidate work product in a collaborative repository that organizes the most important documents as the team builds the case narrative. Never waste time or money exporting and importing documents into other systems again.

Case Study

We use Storybuilder as our playground to test novel theories, follow logical inferences, and refine the theory, all in real time.

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Justin Hazlett
Indiana Attorney General's Office

Unlock the Creative Power of Your Team Now


Tell Better Stories

Collaborate seamlessly while planning for and conducting depositions, upload transcripts and elevate key portions of testimony in the case timeline, and manage trial preparation together in one secure location.

A abstract view of our no-cost, collaborative narrative building, timeline creating and trial preparation platform, Storybuilder.

Organize Timelines

Create a collaborative repository that organizes the most important documents as the team builds the case narrative. Develop your insights throughout the document review process, without sacrificing time or money on a separate post-review system.


Digitize Depositions

Automatically generate exhibit lists while keeping notes, tasks, and other post-deposition follow-up work all in one place. Collaborate on deposition prep and execution, and chat with team members in real time while the deposition is occurring.


Pinpoint Key Testimony

Highlight the most important parts of deposition testimony and use them throughout your case timelines and witness questioning. Integrate video testimony and deposition transcripts into your virtual workspace. Search across all transcripts in large matters to find the perfect testimony.

Customer Stories

Case Study

Loopstra Nixon

See how this litigation firm collaborates on case strategy, improves deposition examinations, and keeps deponents on their feet with Storybuilder.


Case Study

Indiana AG

See how this state attorney general’s office uses Storybuilder to save time, consolidate information, and build stronger cases.

Indiana AG