Why Everlaw Is Taking over Ediscovery
Discover why legal professionals prefer the world’s most advanced ediscovery software
Discover why legal professionals prefer the world’s most advanced ediscovery software
When assessing Everlaw and Relativity, G2 reviewers felt that:
EverlawAI Assistant helps you resolve litigation matters faster than ever before. Shorten time to insights, turn prompts into powerful first drafts, and summarize documents in bulk, freeing you up to focus on more high-value legal work.
Everlaw’s average annual uptimes exceed 99.9%, including during scheduled maintenance windows. Our users receive custom training and support from our user education team any time they need it, included in the price of their subscription.
Security and privacy are Everlaw’s top priorities, and part of our core philosophy. Everlaw is 100% domestically built and managed, and is both FedRAMP and StateRAMP authorized. We regularly perform proactive intrusion detection, vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and continuous monitoring on our codebase to identify potential issues before they arise.
Everlaw’s intuitive, easy-to-use platform regularly receives rave reviews from customers. Users experience an 83% reduction in time to establish new matters in Everlaw compared to manually setting up projects from scratch each time.
- Manfred Gabriel, partner at Holland & Knight
G2 reviews show that legal teams across different industries choose Everlaw as the best ediscovery software platform.
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