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Everlaw Connect: Virtual Government Forum

Move faster and modernize your office, with peer education from leaders in government ediscovery. Find highlights from the event here.

Can't-Miss Sessions on Demand

With peer-led learning, Everlaw Connect: Virtual Government Forum equips government ediscovery professionals with the tools needed to transform discovery, litigation, and public records requests.

Man at computer SKO20

Modernizing the Government Office in Pursuit of Justice

The cloud is increasingly the norm for ediscovery—but some government offices continue to be plagued by outdated technology, and are hungry for something better. Join fellow government professionals in this closed session discussion, to learn how their offices have embraced cloud technology to protect consumers, decrease public records response times, and increase efficiency.

Support - Get Support When You Need It

Case Strategy and Organization Using Storybuilder

With the right tools, people, and processes, legal teams are optimizing how they approach case strategy and organization, to capture insights throughout the discovery process and carry them forward all the way to trial. Attend this session to learn how your peers in the public sector are leveraging Storybuilder to transform their approach to case development.

Catherine and Joan in office

Working Together with Effective Collaboration Strategies

Managing complex litigation can be nearly impossible without effective collaboration. See how innovators in two state AG offices are deploying new strategies for collaborating with internal and external partners, including working with intrastate agencies and across state lines on complex, multi-state matters.

People looking at computer - SKO20

Everlaw Training: Government Use Cases​

Workflows covered include project setup with best practices around naming conventions, codes, and templates; searching strategies with tips to help filter out irrelevant documents; and document review to save time with coding presets, keyboard shortcuts, and hit highlight benefits/uses.

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Predictive Coding Fundamentals

What do Google, Netflix, and Amazon have in common with ediscovery review? They all have a good idea of what you want and when you want it, thanks to technology known as machine learning. Within ediscovery, this is done with predictive coding or technology assisted review, also known as TAR, which is a machine-learning technology that helps legal professionals surface potentially relevant documents faster, more easily, and more reliably than traditional review.

Two people discussing the transformative power of Everlaw

Join Everlaw’s Government-Only Community Space

The Everlaw Ediscovery Community is now home to a dedicated, private and secure space for government employees to collaborate openly with each other, enhance their legal work, and share their insights and perspectives with others. Through learning, sharing best practices and documentation, direct support, and member-exclusive events, members of this community are empowered to become true ediscovery experts.