Now Introducing: Full Screen Review Mode!
by Everlaw

When you’re responsible for reviewing hundreds of documents in a short amount of time, every second you can save on that review matters. We want to save you as much time as possible, and give you tools to make your work life easier.
To that end, we’re excited to announce the refresh of two major features in our latest release: the review window and productions. Here’s a summary of the major updates. To read the full documentation of the newest features released, please refer to your email and support materials.
Review Window Enhancements
Full screen review mode: This is a big one. In our conversations with users, some of you want all components of the review window viewable at once—in very specific places on the screen. Others of you just need a couple tools—like codes and highlights—to get your work done.
To solve for this, we’ve added a new, fully-customizable full screen review mode for document review!
The new view is a more flexible layout that can be customized to support the use cases of both the power user and the user who wants simplicity in their workflow.
What are some particulars and why does this matter?
The new mode:
Allows customization of the layout of your toolbar and tabs. Set the review window up to match your particular workflow and remove unneeded tools from your default view.
Frees up vertical space to see more of the document.
Remembers your last panel layout and restores it from session to session. You can also save layouts and load them at a later time.
Allows case admins to save project layouts for use by all reviewers.
Ability to pin categories: Whether you’re in the standard review window or in the new “full page mode,” you can now pin your most-used coding categories for easier access.
User editable fields: You can now access user-editable fields in the coding panel of the default review window view.
Production Enhancements
Privilege rules and privilege log: While starting a production, you can now create multiple privilege rules—with customizable placeholder text for each rule—when withholding privileged documents. You will also have the option to select metadata to create a privilege log from your privileged, withheld documents.
Metadata endorsement: You can endorse docs with their metadata values, such as filename, MD5 hash, etc.
New features like these are inspired by the many hours we spend with users like you throughout the year. We aim to understand your pain points within a case and learn how we can best support your workflow. We hope you get a chance to try these features out soon and please drop us a line at any time with your feedback!
Learn more about the review window by Everlaw.

Everlaw’s advanced technology empowers organizations to navigate the increasingly complex ediscovery landscape, tackle the most pressing technological challenges, and chart a straighter path to the truth—transforming their approach to discovery, investigations, and litigation in the process.