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Document Analytics

Who might be interested:

Users tasked to work with and understand large sets of documents. Users who are responsible for understanding key terms and characteristics of a database.

What you will learn: 

The basics of how to use Document Clustering, Search Term Reports and the Data Visualization tool to understand large populations of data. Using these tools, we can construct complex searches and gain insight into document contents before beginning linear review. 

How you can learn:

There are several resources available depending on your learning style: comprehensive training videos, shorter topic-specific videos and helpful written guides.

Training Options

Watch Clustering Deep Dive

Learn the ins and outs of Clustering by watching this 8 minute Deep Dive.

Watch Clustering Deep Dive

Schedule Custom Training

If you would prefer a private training session with a member of Everlaw’s User Education team to train a group of users and discuss a workflow that is specific to your organization, you can schedule a virtual training session at a time of your choosing.

Schedule Training

Search Term Reports Deep Dive

Learn the ins and outs of Search Term Reports by watching this 8 minute Deep Dive.

Search Term Reports Deep Dive

Watch Data Visualizer Deep Dive

Learn the ins and outs of the Data Visualizer in this 11 minute Deep Dive.

Watch Data Visualizer Deep Dive

Learn more about Search Term Reports

A Search Term Report (STR) lets you run multiple searches simultaneously against a body of documents. The report will show the total number of documents that are returned by a particular search, as well as the number of documents that are returned only by a particular search and none of the others that you ran concurrently. Read the STR help article.

Training Activities Checklist

After you’ve watched videos and have a basic understanding of how to use Search Term Reports, practice your skills and try performing the following actions:

🗹 Create a new Search Term Report

🗹 Define the searchable set

🗹 Add some search terms to the report

🗹 Turn the search terms into persistent highlights

🗹 Click to view documents with hits

🗹 Download a copy of your report

Learn more about the Data Visualizer

The Data Visualizer allows you to view the characteristics of your search and drill down to retrieve even more specific documents. Read our Data Visualizer help article.

You can use the Data Visualizer to explore the file structure of documents. Read the Data Visualizer and file path help articles.

Training Activities Checklist

After you’ve watched videos and have a basic understanding of how to use the Data Visualizer, practice your skills and try performing the following actions:

🗹 Open the Data Visualizer and pin some favorite visualizations to your dashboard.

🗹 Select a person in the “From” field and add a filter. Check “Recipients” to see who this person communicated with.

🗹 Use a date visualization to filter documents to a particularly relevant period of time.

🗹 Use the billable size visualization to filter for large documents that may need to be reviewed quickly or culled from your dataset.

Learn more about Clustering

The clustering tool is designed to help you gain insight into your data without any user input or prior knowledge about your data required. Clustering visualizes your documents by grouping similar documents together. The clustering tool can be valuable in a number of different use cases such as ECA, organizing review, and performing quality control. Read the Clustering help article or the Clustering FAQ.

Training Activities Checklist

After you’ve watched videos and have a basic understanding of how to use the Clustering tool, practice your skills and try performing the following actions:

🗹 Access the Clustering page and click on a cluster to view the cluster defining terms

🗹 Using the multi-select option, select multiple clusters

🗹 Change the data visualization on the right hand panel

🗹 Select clusters by a term

🗹 Color documents by a coding category

🗹 Create a document filter using the search tool within Clustering

For any feedback about this site or any questions about the trainings offered, please reach out to

For all other questions, please reach out to, 1-844-EVERLAW (U.S.), or 0800-068-9249 (UK and EU).