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Who might be interested: 

Users who will be managing a document review workflow and review teams using assignments. Users who are interested in creating and leveraging predictive coding models to locate documents and improve the efficiency of document review.

What you will learn:

How to set up assignment groups and batch out documents for review. How to create a predictive coding model and use that model to find documents and organize a document population. How to use the predictive coding and assignment tools together on Everlaw to prioritize document review by incorporating the output of a predictive coding model in an assignment workflow.

How you can learn:

There are several resources available depending on your learning style: comprehensive training videos, shorter topic-specific videos and helpful written guides.

Training Options

Watch Assignments and Predictive Coding Deep Dive

Learn the ins and outs of Assignments and Predictive Coding in this 40 minute Deep Dive.

Watch Assignments and Predictive Coding Deep Dive

Schedule Custom Training

If you would prefer a private training session with a member of Everlaw’s User Education team to train a group of users and discuss a workflow that is specific to your organization, you can schedule a virtual training session at a time of your choosing.

Schedule Custom Training

[Assignments] Understanding and Creating Assignment Groups

The assignment tool in Everlaw is structured around groups. It allows you to distribute documents to reviewers and monitor their progress. Read the introduction to assignments help article.

[Assignments] Administering Assignment Groups

Assignment groups contain documents that meet specified criteria. You can create assignment groups from the homepage or from any results table. Read the creating assignment groups help article.

[Assignments] Linking Assignments

Everlaw’s assignment group inclusion criteria allows you to link one assignment to a second assignment. You can “daisy chain” assignments together to achieve a variety of workflows. Read the linking assignments together help article.

Training Activities Checklist

After you’ve watched videos and have a basic understanding of how to use the review tools, practice your skills and try performing the following actions.

🗹 Create a new assignment group from the homepage

🗹 Create an assignment group with a sort applied

🗹 Change the review criteria for an assignment group

🗹 Update self-assign permissions

Learn More About Predictive Coding


Quick Start: Creating a Predictive Coding Model

Learn the basics of what a predictive coding model is and how to create one in Everlaw.

[Analytics] Interpreting Your Predictive Coding Model

After you’ve created your predictive coding model, it’s time to interpret your results! Access your predictive coding models from the Document Analytics menu. Read the interpreting your predictive coding model help article.

[Predictive Coding] Improving Your Model

There are multiple ways to improve the accuracy of your predictive coding models. Read the improving your predictive coding model help article.

Training Activities Checklist

After you’ve watched videos and have a basic understanding of how to use Predictive Coding, practice your skills and try performing the following actions:

Training Activities Checklist

🗹 Create a new predictive coding model

🗹 Use the coverage graph to select documents for review to improve your model

🗹 Create a weighted term

🗹 Create a training set from a randomized set of documents

For any feedback about this site or any questions about the trainings offered, please reach out to

For all other questions, please reach out to, 1-844-EVERLAW (U.S.), or 0800-068-9249 (UK and EU).